Thursday, September 29, 2011

Let’s reconsider abstinence-only sex ed.

The Houston Chronicle published, “Let’s reconsider abstinence-only sex ed” on September 22, 2011, as an opinion piece in the editorial section. This article questions the current sex education curriculum being offered in our schools. It states that 94 percent of Texas school districts choose to teach abstinence only in the classroom. The author of this article believes “the abstinence-only policies in the vast majority of Texas are proving ineffective, and curriculum changes must be made.”

The article appeals to parents of teenagers in Texas.  The author mentions shocking statistics, which informed inform the reader that Texas has the “third-highest teen birth rate in the country, and the highest rate of repeated births to teens”. He refers to teen pregnancy rates as a “crisis” that is in need of attention.

This article strives to persuade parents who believe that education of contraception may increase sexual activity among the state’s teen population. The author’s argument is that many teens are not practicing abstinence, and due to the lack of “medically accurate information, they are faced with dire consequences”.

The author makes his argument by stating facts and the opinion of experts. According to the UT Prevention Research Center, “birth control education actually delays sexual activity”. Through the text the author correlates the current pregnancy rate in Texas with the sex ed curriculum offered in most school districts.

I do agree with the author’s argument. Teenagers should not be denied education on contraception and other sex related subjects. At the same time, I do not consider the current school curriculums to be as black and white as this article portrays. I believe schools mention contraception options to its students. However, teen pregnancy rate in Texas is very high. Drastic change is obviously needed. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mike Toomey served in the Texas House of Representatives with Rick Perry back in the 1980’s and later served in Perry’s campaign, as chief of staff. The two men have maintained a close relationship throughout their careers. At Monday’s (9/11/11) Republican presidential debate, Michele Bachmann Congresswoman questioned Toomey and Perry’s relationship
Toomey currently serves as a lobbyist for corporations that are known for making generous contributions to both Perry and the RGA (Republican Governor’s Association). Merk Pharmaceutical, one of Toomey’s clients, has contributed over $29,500 to Governor Perry’s campaign.
In February 2007, Rick Perry issued an executive order, requiring that all girls entering sixth grade receive Merk’s Gardasil injection (used to prevent certain types HPV).  In May of that same year, the Texas Legislature was forced to block Perry’s executive order, due to public protest.
The article “Austin Lobbyist has Played a Key Role in Perry’s Career” shines a light into Rick Perry’s corrupted actions as the Governor of Texas. It leads the public to question his motives as a presidential candidate.